👉 Limit the spread of dust
During the production process, dust is generated and widely dispersed into the environment. Dust is a cause of air pollution. They emit every location in the factory. The factory is always in a state of dust and pollution. Dust also adheres to the surface of the equipment, so the operating machinery and equipment are likely to heat up, and the operation will be blocked due to a large amount of dust attached.
👉 Reduce environmental pollution
Industries have extremely large amounts of dust. If there is no treatment solution, they are directly released into the environment. The environment is subject to a large amount of dust. Since then, environmental pollution is increasing. Industrial parks, thanks to the dust collection and filtration system, can collect and treat dust, avoiding dust from flying into the environment. Thereby reducing the environmental pollution.
👉 Health protection for workers
The workers are regular workers in dusty areas. Direct contact with dust for a long time affects the health of workers. In some industries, there is a bag of toxic dust that causes dangerous diseases. An industrial dust extraction system is an effective solution to protect workers’ health. Minimize human exposure to dirt.
The current popular dust collection system methods
Pollutants and dust arise depending on the industry. Therefore, the industrial dust extraction system designs also have the necessary dust extraction methods for each industry. Here are some common dust collection systems.
Cyclone dust collectors
A cyclone dust collector is a device capable of separating dust from the air stream through centrifugal force. The air enters in a vortex motion with high intensity like a tornado. Thanks to that, the dust particles pushed against the wall of Cyclone. Causing the dust particles to lose their inertia, they slide to the bottom of the hopper. It will then be collected and processed. A cyclone dust extraction system is used to remove heavy and large dust particles. Used for dust collection in woodworking, paper dust collection, milling machine dust collection… and many other industries with dust size > 5 microns.
Electrostatic Precipitators
The electrostatic precipitator is used to separate small dust particles, grease, smoke, etc. from the air stream. The electrostatic precipitator operates on the principle of ionization in an environment with an electric field > 100kV. Dust particles passing through a strong electric field will be ionized into negatively charged ionic molecules. They move towards the positively charged plate by the magnetic field. Use water or physical impact to separate the dust adhered to the surface of the pole plate. Dust settles in the hopper at the bottom of the system.
Using electrostatic equipment to vacuum dust for dust collection at industrial power plants burning coal, oil, etc.
Cartridge Collectors
A filter Cartridge is a cylindrical design used in filter technology or gas. Capable of handling and removing dirt particles, impurities… The main component is a filter core made of natural fibers or synthetic fibers (polypropylene, polyester…) Bringing air into the filter cartridge. Under the action of centrifugal force, large dust particles will fall into the hopper. Residual fine dust will enter each separate chamber containing the filter bag, and go up between the bags. Under the negative pressure of the gas, dust is trapped on the outer surface of the filter bag. The clean air passes through the filter bag into the environment.
Portable cloth bag vacuum cleaner
Use a vacuum cleaner fan in combination with a cloth bag to suck up dust and dirt for small spaces. A portable cloth bag vacuum cleaner is easy to move to vacuum different areas. The perfect method for factories and factories with single dust generation, infrequent dust generation.
Application of industrial dust extraction system
Industrial dust collector systems have high applications for many industries. Used for industries with high dust frequency. Typical dust collection systems are below:
The wood dust collection system
During the production and manufacturing of wood, a large amount of wood dust is produced. Wood dust is a toxic impurity that directly affects the space and health of workers. The amount of wood dust generated is too much, hindering the production process of the factory. Requires the factory to install a wood dust collection system to absorb and collect the generated wood dust. Reusing wood dust after collection helps save costs
Paper dust collection system
Paper production also generates large amounts of paper dust. Paper dust is fine and easy to float in space. With their small size, they easily penetrate the human body. Impact on workers’ health. The collection of paper dust is necessary for factories producing paper, cardboard, paper packaging …
Cement dust extraction system
Cement factories produce cement dust. In particular, cement dust is extremely toxic dust, containing many chemical impurities such as CaO, SiO2, N2, Al2O3, SO3…
Cement dust is light and capable of floating in space. Therefore, in the cement production process, they generate extremely large volumes of cement dust. Use a dust extraction system to collect cement dust and reuse it.
In addition, there are other industrial dust extraction systems below:
– Boiler dust extraction system
– Paint dust extraction system
– Metal dust collection system
– …
Currently, System Fan provides industrial dust collector systems with dust extraction efficiency of up to 99.99%. Refer to the industrial dust collection systems below. And contact us for the most specific advice.
Wood dust collection system 75kW
Wood dust collection system 37kW
Wood dust collection system 110kW
Cyclone dust collection system 22kW
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