Dust is a bad agent for the environment and human health. In particular, in industrial zones, large amounts of dust are generated. The amount of dust produced from the industrial park is a large amount of dust.
What is industrial dust?
Dust is small, dry particles of matter. They are often accumulated on the surfaces of objects, floors, machinery surfaces… Industrial dust is a collection of dust generated from industrial parks, factories, factories… Industrial dust often generates large amounts of dust. They are usually more than household dust.
For example Industrial dust generated in wood processing workshops from activities such as sawing wood, grinding, cutting wood, shaping wood… Industrial dust in cement factories is called cement dust, or born in paper mills…
Common types of industrial dust are as follows:
– Wood dust: activities of sanding, cutting, sewing, sewing, shaping wood…. producing toxic wood dust, which is a fire hazard.
– Food dust: Some foods such as nuts (corn, soybeans), cereals, and flour… generate food dust particles.
– Cement & concrete dust: Generated in the process of mining and producing cement and concrete. This dust is toxic, abrasive, and non-explosive…
– Paper dust: generated from paper-making processes, they are flammable and explosive, flammable.
– Paint powder: Paint dust carries many toxic chemicals, arising in paint factories and product surface painting stages. Has explosive properties.
– In addition, various types of dust such as plastic dust, metal dust, pharmaceutical dust, stone dust, etc. are common in industrial parks.
Is industrial dust dangerous?
Almost all types of dust are dangerous. They create environmental pollution and are a danger to human health.
Examples are as follows:
👉 Flammable Dust: The accumulation of combustible dust is a potential hazard in industrial areas.
Conditions for dust explosion:
– Oxygen
– Enclosed space
– There is an ignition source
– Dust of suitable concentration
Under the right conditions, the dust has the potential to cause dust explosions. If you work in an industry with flammable dust that can easily cause dust explosions. This is a constant threat to workers. If no fire prevention measures are taken, it may lead to a threat to life and property. Explosive dust can catch fire and create fires, posing a safety risk to the industrial park and the people working there.
Combustible industrial dust such as dust from agricultural products (wheat, sugar, grain), industrial wood dust, metal dust (zinc, copper, aluminum…), rubber dust, chemical dust ( sulfur, coal …), dust from the pharmaceutical industry, plastic dust…
👉 Toxic dust: Most types of dust contain toxic components. They directly cause adverse effects on human health. It can even lead to cancer.
Hazardous dust such as wood dust, paper dust, cement dust, chemical dust, rubber dust, etc.
– Dust in contact with the skin: Causes itching, clogs pores, or causes dermatitis.
– Dust in contact with eyes: Causes eye pain, and eye inflammation, and long-term exposure to dust can reduce vision.
– Dust directly penetrates through the respiratory tract causing allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and sore nose.
– Smaller dust particles (fine dust < PM 2.5) can enter the body, directly enter the lungs, and are difficult to eliminate. They cause damage to the lungs, even toxic dust particles can cause lung cancer. According to studies in the world, wood dust is classified as a Group I carcinogen.
Dust also causes pollution to the surrounding environment, leading to an increasingly polluted environment. Ecosystems are directly affected by dust. The air is increasingly polluted, and people’s lives and health are affected.
Thus, industrial dust mostly causes adverse impacts on the environment and human health. It is necessary to take measures to reduce industrial dust and limit human contact with industrial dust to protect human health. Protect the environment from the effects of dust.
To minimize industrial dust, it is necessary to install dust treatment systems, and industrial exhaust fans to provide a clean working environment and limit dust. Ensure safety for workers’ health and the surrounding environment.