The installation of dust extraction systems is commonly used in many industries. Each industry can apply different dust collection systems to bring the highest efficiency. Baghouse and cartridge dust collection systems are two popular systems today. Let’s find out the difference between the baghouse dust collection system and the cartridge dust collection system in this article.
Benefits of baghouse dust collection system
The baghouse dust collection system is an air purifier, separating and filtering dust particles from the air stream. Dirty air is passed through the filter bags and collected again.
👉 The benefits of the baghouse dust collection system are:
– Capable of collecting and separating large dust particles
– Highly durable system
– Withstands high-temperature gas flow
– Capable of handling sticky materials, wood dust, sawdust…
– Less need to change filters
👉 Application:
Baghouse dust collection systems are used for many industries that generate large amounts of dust such as:
– Used for the wood processing industry
– Used for the food processing industry
– For factories that generate filamentous dust
– For mining and metallurgy industries
– Fiberglass cutting factory
Benefits of the cartridge dust collection system
The cartridge dust collection system uses pleated cartridge filters instead of filter bags.
👉 Benefit:
– Filters out small dust particles
– Easy to change filters during use
– Effectively filter out light-weight and small-sized dust particles
👉 Application
Use cartridge dust collection systems for industries:
– Welding factories
– Laser-cutting operations
– Use for sandblasting systems
– Metal processing
– Spitfire…
Similarities of baghouse and cartridge dust collection systems
– Used to collect dust in industrial plants
– Clean the air, limit the spread of dust
– Ensure a clean, cool and safe factory environment for workers’ health
– Increase labor productivity, and operate efficiently while minimizing equipment maintenance costs.
With the above benefits, these two systems are selected for dust extraction in industrial plants. However, based on many factors, people choose a baghouse or cartridge dust collection system.
Difference between baghouse and cartridge dust collection system
In general, the two dust collection systems baghouse and cartridge have many similarities.
The most obvious difference is:
System Size
Cartridge dust collectors are easier to install than baghouse systems. Because the size of the cartridge dust collection system is usually more compact, it is easy to install indoors or outdoors. Meanwhile, baghouse dust collection systems are usually large and are mainly installed outdoors.
In terms of maintenance, cartridge dust collection systems typically require cartridge replacement every one to two years. Meanwhile, the baghouse dust collection system has a longer life, which can be used for many years.
Baghouse systems are often used for large-scale, air-flow ranges greater than 1000 CFM. The cartridge system is used for the lower scale from 500 CFM.
If the facility generates more than 55 gallons of dust per day, a baghouse dust collection system should be used. Cartridge dust collection systems are intended for use on buildings with less than 55 gallons of dust per day.
Above is some information about the differences between baghouse and cartridge dust collection systems. Hope to bring useful information to readers.